

We want our students to thrive, not only at home, but in the wider world.

Therefore, we believe it is essential to create not only an educational institution, but a community, involving parents, grandparents, teachers, and support staff. We maintain open lines of communication with parents, and welcome feedback so that our conversations always remain two-way.

There are a number of opportunities available for parents and caregivers to be involved in a volunteer capacity by helping in classrooms and at fundraising activities. Parents and caregivers are also welcome to attend assemblies, chapel services, sports events and social gatherings hosted by the college. Stay up to date with what is on by checking the calendars to the right.

We are also heavily involved in local community activities and events including interschool sports and art competitions, and events supporting local charities and businesses. We'd like to continue this with the support of our students, encouraging their involvement wherever possible so that they may also grow strong community relationships for themselves.

Shaping Rigorous Minds & Compassionate Hearts.

SCBC is the first choice school in Rockingham, Waikiki, Kwinana, Secret Harbour and surrounding areas.